Prothonotary Warbler
Yellow Warbler Green Heron Northern Parula Black-throated Blue Magnolia WarblerBlue-gray Gnatcatcher Common Yellowthroat Bald Eagles Red-headed Woodpecker Nighthawk Bay-breasted Warbler Nashville Warbler Warbling VireoTrumpeter SwanDunlinWhite-crowned SparrowHouse WrenBlack and White WarblerChestnut-sided Warbler Canada Warbler White Pelicans Least SandpiperDowitcher
Ruddy Turnstones
Wow, Gail! Great birds! Great photos!! 😀
Thank you for sharing your beautiful photos!
Great photos of a great trip. Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
You had some fabulous pictures of Magee Marsh. Thanks for sharing them with us all.
They all look like they have been well fed. I especially like the bald eagles and their babies!