Cape Maygration Shorebird and Horseshoe Crab Festival


Ferd and I went to Cape May, New Jersey for the Cape Maygration Shorebird and Horseshoe Crab Festival. We didn’t realize until the last minute that we needed to take a Ferry over to Cape May. We were very lucky to catch the last Ferry over!IMG_1868 IMG_1870Our first day, we birded the trails, fields and forest edges of Higbee Beach and Cape May point State Park. Here is our group starting out.

IMG_1882Ferd observing from the observation deck.

IMG_1884Observing our group

IMG_0048And me

IMG_0051We saw so many, many shorebirds and other wildlife and many new life birds for me! Here are only a few of the things we saw.

Here is an Oystercatcher on her nest.IMG_0127Ruddy Ducks



Blue-gray GnatchcatcherIMG_0031Turtle

IMG_0011Black Razor Snake

IMG_0146Blackburnian Warbler

IMG_0170Red-headed Woodpecker


Thousands of Gulls and Terns.IMG_0105

We saw many Summer TanagersIMG_0058

Great Crested FlycatcherIMG_0036Everywhere I turned, I saw birds!


Rat SnakeIMG_0034The Cape May LighthouseIMG_0179

Mute SwanIMG_0141Painted TurtleIMG_0144


What a great trip! I saw 70 species and it’s only the first day!

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