Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge

Painted Buntings Lizard Anhinga Alligator Ferd and alligator! Florida King Snake Cattle Egret Brown Pelicans More Alligators Wild pig Tri-colored Heron Pied-billed Grebe Tri-colored HeronWhite Ibis Little Blue Heron, Tri-colored Heron and Glossy Ibis Little Blue Heron Cattle Egret Reddish Eget and Blue-winged Teals Great Blue Heron with fish lunch! Great Blue Heron Glossy Ibis Alligator Wild pig Snowy Egret The endangered Florida Scrub Jay!

Birds in San Diego, California

Tijuana River Estuary NWRIMG_2904 Red-tailed HawksIMG_2107Northern HarrierIMG_1968Black PhoebeIMG_1946Coopers HawkIMG_1904Shorebirds at the Tijauna RiverIMG_2029Elegant TernsIMG_1921Ridgway’s RailIMG_2013IMG_2142Coopers HawkIMG_1893Torrey Pines Sate Natural ReserveIMG_2137Black PhoebeIMG_1943Snowy EgretIMG_2066BushtitIMG_2229 Long-billed CurlewIMG_2211 IMG_2250 Yellow WarblerIMG_2246Ridgway’s RailIMG_2038 Willets and Long-billed CurlewIMG_2210 BushtitIMG_2222 Heerman GullIMG_2186 Ana’s HummingbirdIMG_2266 Ferd BirdIMG_2272